A Drive-By Through My Neighborhood

The tutor is the quintessential style of home in my neighborhood.

      I am lucky enough to live in a historic neighborhood in the Midwest that is known for its beautiful homes.  Here is just a sampling of the houses I see on my walk every day. The English tudor style is probably the most common type  I see.  Very classic, don’t you think?  (My house is definitely not this big!) While most are classic architectural styles built in the early 1900s, there is one mid-century modern home in the midst of all of these. While I always thought it looked out of place, it is growing on me (maybe it‘s the Mad Men influence, I don’t know!). Note the cool blue door.

      I also noticed four traits that attracted me immediately to a house: 1) a striking front door, 2) symmetrical accents that highlight the entrance, 3) detailed, contrasting trim, and 4) landscaping that is trimmed back so that the house can easily be seen. 

      The next two photos show more of the  tudor style, followed by three with Spanish influence, three Georgian Revival, and three traditional Americana (my personal favorite). Next is the mid-century modern home (I just had to include it) and finally, my own house, a 1930s, much smaller tudor cottage (ignore the peeling paint on our neighbor‘s house). 

      Take a leisurely walk, and enjoy the tour . . .

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  1. 1

    Wow Ann! What a gorgeous and inspiring neighborhood! Hard to pick a favorite amongst these beauties. Your home is charming, thank you so much for showing us.

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    Thanks for the tour. I love to drive or walk and check out other people’s homes. If you go at night you can see inside, I love that too! Your home is great, stone on a house is one of my favorite features.

  4. 4

    Wow oh wow. That is a beautiful neighbourhood. I love pretty much each and every one of those lovely houses

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    Great tour! I love driving by lovely neighborhoods and often go on historical house tours. Your home is very sweet. You must love living here!
    I am really drawn to the ninth one with all the lovely trim and lattice! Thanks for taking the time to post this tour Ann. I think I would like to do a similar post. Wish I had a good camera! 🙂

  8. 8

    I love this tour of homes… it must be so beautiful to live in that neighborhood! It looks a lot like old town in Tacoma. I will try to show you some pics.

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