Wish Me Luck #LoveYourHomeChallenge  (Update)

HELP! How did a room in my house get so out of control?!  That is a question I ask myself every day and so begins Day 2: decluttering.  I could make decluttering my home a never ending #LoveYourHomeChallenge, but when I think of one place that is OUT OF CONTROL it is my desk area, which is also part of the kid’s playroom.  So today I will focus on getting order in this space, and through order in the space I will hopefully clear space in my mind to think, work, and create. 

Here is my before picture…

Stay tuned and later I will post the (hopefully) amazing after :)

Okay, so days later and I am still not completely finished…but I wanted to post the “after” since it is almost done.  What I did – got rid of the hutch, decluttered and tossed a lot, and made a chore chart station that now holds the kid’s school stuff/art stuff/and other office items.

So here is what I have left to do:

Get my papers filed

Get art on the wall (which requires painting a frame I have laying around)

And go through one last small basket of stuff to keep/toss/etc.

I feel my head already a bit clearer now that I have made so much progress on this project!!

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    Great job, I’m so glad you shared your goals and progress, it looks so much better. I know how easy it is for things to get out of control when you have little ones (and even when you don’t hahah!) so good for you for tackling one corner and being persistent! 😀

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      Thank you Melissa! I will be slowly making it through the challenges, and when it is all said and done I can’t wait to see how I feel about my home!
      Kids and clutter are my biggest obstacles to keeping things neat and orderly, and since the kids have to say than the clutter must go haha 😉

      Off to start Day 3!

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    Good for you! You can see so much progress Clarissa. I am trying challenges too but my progress is slow. Thanks for the inspiration. First thing tomorrow I will make more progress. I think I can, I think I can…..

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      I know you can do it Nancy! I am moving very slowly through the challenges myself. Day 2 is done, but I have yet to start Day 3. I can’t wait to read about what you do next 🙂

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