The return home after a holiday.

I have been blessed with a week family holiday in the beautiful Welsh Country in the UK. This is Bala Lake top, Barmouth beach bottom and it holds many fond memories for me and my family. So you pack, get excited, go on holiday, have an amazing time making lovely memories and then there is the bitter sweet return home. I put the key in my front door and immediately throw open the windows to air the rooms, and then there’s washing…….tons and tons of washing! I wake up the next morning after returning to my gorgeous comfy bed, my own bed, and there is a pang of sadness that the holiday is over and the gladness to be back in home sweet home. I am in that limbo. I enjoyed a very relaxing holiday that I am so blessed and grateful to have been given and now I am back in my own gorgeous home. All in all I am with the ones I love. 

Amanda xoxo

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  1. 1

    Amanda, you captured those feelings perfectly. I’m always a little glad to be back home after a vacation. I can see why you’d have a such a nice vacation by your beautiful pictures. It’s always nice to create pleasant memories.

  2. 3
  3. 5

    Nice post Amanda! What an absolutely gorgeous place! I live in Nova Scotia and have learned over the years that I need to be near water to restore my soul. I would really love to live in a home with this view! Glad you had a lovely vacation!

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