My junk/antique store find!


Sorry it’s late here and the worst lighting ever, but LOOK at what I found today!!! I’m so excited about this. My husband and I headed out for a little afternoon date in Poulsbo (Washington) and ran into a little junk/antique store we hadn’t been in forever. And just as we were making our way out of the store, this GEM leaped into my arms and came home with me. It’s an old bowl, huge, heavy but so awesome for my dining table or console table. Can’t you just picture it with fruit or plants or flowers or? What else? I’m excited to try it out! I have two long console tables that always need something in the middle so I think this is going to come in handy! 🙂 Can’t wait to play with it tomorrow!

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    Love the generous scale and dramatic flair of your great find. But I must admit that at first glance, I could only imagine your dogs taking it for a lovely sail around the Sound, little orange life vests and all.

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      Bwahaha!! That’s so funny. They would totally do that. There was a little boy at the store that was convinced it was a boat. I think that’s why I liked it, it does have a boat-like shape!

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        You and the little boy are both so right…the bowl has a nautical feel. If I happen to run across any dog-sized sailor caps, I will definitely snatch you up a pair.

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    Okay, I have serious envy for that bowl. I love wooden bowls and keep one in my hallway filled with beach stones. I have absolutely no space large enough to hold a bowl this big but I have always loved the look on farm tables or long trestle tables. Have fun!

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    My grandmother had one of these sitting in her dining room. She always called it her “dough bowl.” It eventually became the favorite sleeping spot for the cat as it sat in a warm spot by the window.

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