Trying to find Joy in the almost “Empty Nest”

New here and working on loving my home and finding joy there as it is soon to be an “empty nest”. These two greet us each day as we arrive home, but make it a challenge to decorate.

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    Dogs definitely help ease the emptiness of the empty nest. Nothing like stepping barefoot onto pieces of half-eaten dog food to bring back the memories of the toddler years.

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    your doggies slay me. home, remember, is “where the heart is” (lol ~ picture an 80’s goose plague with this saying) . . but true. you will make it your own 🙂

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    Hi Kerry. I too have an almost empty nest. Alexander went off to university and the house seems so big and empty without him. He will be home for 4 weeks for the summer and then moving into his own place in August. I am letting go a little bit each time he goes away. It does get easier though as I know that he is loving being a student and taking care of himself.

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    Can a nest really be empty with such devoted dogs?! They are so cute and what a welcoming committee they must be! 🙂
    I too have experienced empty nest…actually a couple of times as my boomerang daughter has returned on at least two occasions. However, last summer she moved out to her own place and we have begun a new stage of our relationship. She is so happy with her independence it makes me happy. She still makes regular visits and we savor these times together. I am learning to find joy in having time of my own. Life is definitely not empty! 🙂

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    Hi Kerry, I am new to this community too. In fact, just joined today and haven’t written anything yet. I SO understand where you are coming from, as my nest is about to be empty as well. My daughter is getting married in October, and my son is talking about getting an apartment. It is a time of adjustment for sure!

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