About Me

Hello everyone, I’m Dianna. I’m just learning to really love my home. Right now I live in an apartment and as much as I enjoy the layout and room that I have we are looking to move in a few months. I absolutely love creating pieces for my home from everyday items. I’ve recently completed a book page wreath and am working on redoing a mirror that I just painted white.  I’m a homeschool mom to three beautiful girls and I currently work part time outside of the home in the evenings. I’m very involved in our church and I really wish I had more time to spend on my home. I’m here to get inspiration and the desire to make my home more beautiful. I really look forward to meeting all of you. 

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    During my days as a busy homeschooling mom and church volunteer, I told myself that the time I devoted to my girls and their growth was as much a part of building my home as buying throw pillows and hanging art. Looking back, I can now see how true that was. For all things, there is a season, and the way you are loving on your kids makes your home beautiful indeed.

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      Thank you so much for your wisdom and encouragement, Diane. I do love learning and growing with my girls and the older ones are really helping with the youngest so I’m finding a few more hours in the week to devote to making my home aesthetically beautiful. I found that when I pull out my crafting stuff they join right in with either helping or doing their own projects. It’s become another way to spend time together. 🙂

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