Leaving well enough alone

Along about this time of year almost 7 years ago, we prepared to move into the newly built house we now call home on Bainbridge Island in Washington.  From property purchase to move in day, almost 10 years passed by, and there wasn’t a single day when I didn’t imagine what life would be like in this house.  Turns out, real life is better than what I imagined.

An indescribable amount of thought, planning and effort went into how the house would look and function.  I purchased almost all the furniture a year before the house was completed.  Seriously, what kind of crazy person does that?  

I knew what I wanted, and took steps to locate and purchase furniture so I could take advantage of sale prices, consignment stores, antique stores, yard sales.  I had every room arranged on the floor plan, with tiny cut-outs of sofas, tables, chairs, beds, benches and so on.  Come move in day, it was easy to direct the movers on where to put every little and big thing.

I loved the way everything looked from the beginning.  But, that didn’t stop me from ongoing tweaking, re-arranging, casting off and bringing in new.  It’s a process.  And if, like me, you enjoy the process, you must indulge it in some way, every day.  Don’t like that lamp on that table?  Move it somewhere else.  Need some color in that corner, move in a new pillow.  Need a little brightening on a dreary day, place some cut flowers on the kitchen island.  

It’s a bit of a worry that I can let the decorating process prevent me from simply relaxing and loving things the way they are.  The urge to change does need to be tempered with the willingness to leave well enough alone.

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  1. 1

    I feel ya Karen! The need to change things up is always close at hand… I work at a specialty gift and garden store. The temptations are great and I am weak!!! 😉

  2. 2

    I think the never-ending desire to improve and enhance our nests is a natural part of a woman’s DNA. Seriously, everything we do to improve our surroundings impacts not only our quality of life, but those of our loved ones as well. Let’s embrace the urge to nurture!

  3. 3

    Yep! I feel the same way. Love to arrange and rearrange. I think it is because I love so many styles and colours. I’d love to own at least three houses so I could indulge in satisfying all my favourite design styles! Looking forward to seeing your home! 🙂

  4. 4

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