Forsythia = Happy

When we left our last house to move into the house we are in now, I was particularly sad to leave the forsythia bush behind. We made the move in June so I had not experienced a spring at this house. A few days ago I noticed that the straggly shrubbery at the corner of my yard was filling out with bright yellow flowers.  Yes, to my pleasant surprise, it is several forsythia bushes!  I am so happy and instantly feel so much more at home here. I have heard that you can break off pieces of forsythia and just stick them in the ground and they will grow. True??  Another treat that I knew would be coming, the hyacinth bulbs that I planted last fall. One of the sweetest smells of spring! 

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  1. 1

    Looks like your Spring is starting a little later than ours. I love your forcynthia bush. That, along with crocus are always my first blooms. All I know of forcynthia is that you could split it and move it if you want it in another location. I also know that you could prune it late winter.

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      Hi Nila,, you are right, our spring is a little late this year. We did see the crocus plants, they are on their way out now. I did some research on the transplanting branches right into the ground and it’s supposed to work. I’m envisioning a whole hill of yellow in years to come!

  2. 3

    Oh forsythia! I am still waiting for this sign of spring! I can’t believe how late our spring is this year. I love this shrub and I am happy for you that they were on your new property. I had planted a lilac bush one year and had to move soon after…I still drive by my old home and am envious of the way it has grown. The compensation was my new home had a cherry tree! Now I am back in my hometown and my condo has a forsythia bush out front and lilac bushes around the property so I know the thrill you felt when these bloomed. Enjoy Barb! 🙂

    • 4

      Nancy, if I love anything more than forsythia it’s lilacs! I unfortunately don’t have any here but I’m planning on planting some to enjoy next year. When you finally have your spring please take a big whiff of those delicious lilacs for me!

  3. 6

    Hi Barb! I think the forsythia bushes are a sign that your meant to be in the new home you have . . Especially because you love them so much. It is exciting when you plant something and they actually reappear the next season! Happy Spring!

    • 7

      Maria that’s the thing about planting bulbs. You have to wait so long to see if your work paid off!! And I agree that this house was probably meant to be!

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    Love your hyacinth, Barb, especially that yellow one! I have pink, purple, and white. They have multiplied over time and the fragrance is wonderful! Mine have come and gone, but I do have pictures.
    You might try putting a branch or two, of the forsythia in water in your kitchen window and seeing if they take root. Cut just below a bud. I have even rooted long stemmed roses from the grocery that way! It did take several weeks, but they grew!

    • 11

      I am going to try that idea of rooting the forsythia. My vision is a whole side yard of yellow next spring! Thanks Debra

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